Here’s how real estate companies qualify as “small” businesses for PPP loans
As the government pumps another $310 billion into its latest paycheck-backstop program, critics are pointing the finger at some large...

Coronavirus Crisis: Difficult Decisions Ahead for Landlords and Tenants
As of this writing, our world is battling a global pandemic of unprecedented proportion. Already many articles have been written about...

NYC Commits to 40 Miles of Open Streets in May, 100 Miles in Total
After significant urging from the city council and the governor, at a press briefing Monday, Mayor Bill de Blasio committed to opening...

Office landlords finding out which tenants are paying up during lockdown
Public office landlords are starting to report their first-quarter earnings — and investors and analysts are paying close attention to...

New exceptions in construction shutdown keep thousands of NYC sites open
The list of “essential” construction projects and permitted work has ballooned sixfold since Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced a virtual...

How Can Landlords Get Relief if Their Tenants Can’t Pay?
As renters lose jobs and the economy remains dormant, landlords face tough choices and few options. Q: I own a small Brooklyn apartment...

NYC rent-stabilized landlords see costs rise, push for rent increases
The public hearings that define whether to freeze, increase, or rollback rents for New York City’s nearly one million rent stabilized...

Designing Offices, Restaurants and Grocery Stores in the Age of Coronavirus
As New York City and other communities across the U.S. grapple with the coronavirus outbreak, architects are thinking about how to make...

Homebound Buyers Ask: Is a Picture Worth $1 Million?
The real estate industry, for all its newfound tech savvy, still relies on handshakes across mahogany tables. The coronavirus pandemic...

IRS Extends Deadlines For 1031, Opportunity Zone Investors
Investors who have like-kind exchange or opportunity zone deadlines between April 1 and July 15 now have a little more time to close...